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发表时间:2022-10-19     阅读次数:

Samson 品牌介绍

国萨姆森 SAMSON 公司,成立于 1907 年,有着超过 100 年制造控制 阀的成功发展历史,samson 连续多年名列 ARC 全球自动化公司 50 强榜单 司总部自 1916 年起设在德国法兰克福,在全球有 47 家子公司和 100 多个办 ,超过 3200 名训练有素的员工,samson 专业领域涉及从最大化工厂到区 域供热和通风技术,致力于蒸汽、气体和液体的流体控制。  SAMSON 控制阀在 石油、石化、化工、煤化工、化纤、冶金、空分、热力、食品、烟草等行业得到成 功应用。  samson 产品应用行业:  自动化系统、石油和天然气、  工业气体蒸 汽、能源、造纸、供热、   流量控制。

Smart process automation

SAMSON offers products and systems to control all kinds of media. We specialize in control valve engineering. As a trendsetter for over 100 years, we drive forward new developments and introduce innovations to the market. We have had a considerable impact on the evolution of valves from analog components to smart control valves. We are now fully focusing on the opportunities provided to us through Industry 4.0.

SAMSON's valves can be tailored to the specific control task.

The modular design of our valves enables us to provide a wide variety of valves, such as globe vales, angle valves, three-way valves, in all commonly available in valve sizes, pressure ratings, and materials, with exchangeable trims, bellows seals or insulating sections. Special versions for cryogenic applications and for steam conditioning round off the range. Many of our valve models can be fitted with either a pneumatic or electric actuator.


广州CA88中国工业控制技术有限公司  All Rights Reserved.   备案号: 网站地图

地址:广州市海珠区江海大道 10 号生物工程大厦 1101 室   联系人:吴先生   电话:(020) 8230 2697   手机:17612043928  

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